Некоторые комментарии австралийцев под видео Mighty Car mods:
The government is trying so desperately hard to weed out the car scene it's painful. Own a modified car in Australia = charged with murder.
My car is completely mod plated and compliant.. still doesn't stop the complete harassment from the police because I don't drive a Toyota Camry. After showing them my mod plates what to do they do ? Hit me with a car inspection and emissions notice. The police have WAY too much power, If I show them an engineers certificate that should be the end of it like any other country. Not here though.
Cool ? A Highway patrol car waited 20 minutes for my friend to leave her house after they saw a Skyline in the driveway. They only left because I went down there and recorded them just looking up the hill at her house. Complete clean driving record. This literally doesn't happen in any other country, the police are not beyond the experience of mechanics.. only in Australia.
lol, you're thinking of 1980. You literally can't change anything on your car now - last hurrah was early 2000's. Execs got sick of cheap Japanese cars driven by young bucks chopping their $300k amg or 911s
Stop living in a shit area and/or driving something that looks stupid, me and all my mates are driving cars with heavy mods (slowest has 255rwkw) with no engineering cert and the cops don't give a shit because they all look either stock or like they were done properly.Your WRX with clear lights, a cable tied intercooler and 5" cannon is what's making the cops give you shit.
Ничего не напоминает?)) Помню в MCM когда они в Японию ездили они сказали, что за руль с небольшой дозой алкоголя в крови можно, но если пшикнешь блоуоффом - арест))
А по теме: написал письмо в "услугиавто" и уже получил ответ по поводу изменений. На днях заскочу в гибдд и попробую обговорить как грамотно сделать перенос руля на левую сторону и свап мотора. Самое первое условие для двигла - ЕВРО не ниже того, что уже в ПТС. В общем, попробую построить законный корч))